The dog stood over his father’s grave and begged him to return.

The resilient dog has been waiting for his father’s return for weeks.
A dog named Buboy has been wandering outside university and worker offices at Mabalacat City University in Pampanga, Philippines, for the past two weeks. The dog scratches at the door, expecting that its favorite human will show up and offer it some food or scratch behind the ear.

The sight of the speckled puppy hoping is breaking the hearts of the school’s employees and students, because they know his father will not return.
Professor Carmelito, Marcelo, who had been caring for Child for the past four years, died on Saturday after a stroke after only a few weeks at the medical facility.

According to Marcelo’s colleague Kristina Demafelix, the dog followed the professor all over the place. Every morning, Buboy would meet the professor at the gate and accompany him from splendor to magnificence. They shared lunch throughout the school, and the dog would see the instructor off at the gate at the end of the day. Even if he didn’t have any tactics, Marcelo would cross to his dog. “[He] considered you family,” Demafelix said on Facebook. “When he wouldn’t have techniques, sir would come to highschool to try you and feed you.”

Dema Felix noticed the dog strolling around the workers’ place of business for the first time when the professor was inside the hospital. Yet, while Buboy waited, Demafelix and I decided to assist the worried animal in finding a solution.

“You can’t explain all the grief because you have no idea what occurred,” Demafelix said on Facebook. “In an instant, he did not come to highschool; nevertheless, you may be in a position outside the varsity [room] where you are always in a position for him, always in a position for his arrival.” Demafelix brought Buboy to Marcelo’s wake on Tuesday to let the dog say his final farewell to his devoted close buddy.

Buboy paid his respects, still glued to his deceased loved one in the coffin. However, when given the opportunity to leave, the dog refused. Demafelix commented online, “Buboy will now no longer need to pass Sir Marcelo’s coffin.” Now that the professor is gone, students and staff are coming together to provide community care for Buboy. “Everybody at school is worried about Buboy,” Demafelix wrote on Facebook, “and the school has been turned into his territory.”

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